
The Semi-Enclosed track "GR" gun, designed to shoot the 9/32 diameter shaft, is the best in situations where you need a fast loading gun that eliminates shaft whip increasing both distance and accuracy.
See all "GR" Ordering Options

This is a ballasted stock that is built around a 1.25 in CF barrel and 3-4 band muzzle. Comes with a 7.5mm shaft and set of bands.
See all "GR Plus" Ordering Options

The Semi-Enclosed track "Magnum Hybrid" gun, designed to shoot the 5/16 diameter shaft, is the best for Mid-pelagic fish, big groupers, and ajs, another great all around gun.
See all "Magnum Hybrid" Ordering Options

The Squid Bone Hybrid has maximum mass and ballasting that enables minimal recoil, increased accuracy and yet has maximum manoeuvrability. In other words... It's fun to shoot!
See all "Squid Bone" Ordering Options

Time in Hawai'i:
Took the Ono gun into the pool to tune it for an upcoming trip. The thing is a beast! - Vlad Ivangorodsky (@iuseaspear)
