Ian Mg
Another wsb with the Wong 60
4 trips, 4 wsb. This is David Bond, about to fillet it, but I shot it. Wong 60 did it again!
Also got a nice big calico afterward with the wong 55, double flopper.
Freezer filling up!
Another wsb with the Wong 60
Got this today with David Bond. Tied up at 60 feet. Used his Wong 60 for the second shot.
Another wsb on the wong 60!
Aloha, hope you're doing well.
I took the new 50" magnum to New England last month and it was the perfect gun for those waters. It spun on a dime, it had enough mass and power for longer range shots, and it was great in the murk stalking smaller fish. Your buddy Aron Cascone, who knows where the stripers are, took me out to Block Island, where I shot this 29 lb striper from about 15 feet away, as well as a triggerfish and another smaller striper. Then I went to Cape Cod with it and shot a bunch of tautog. It was the only gun I needed on the trip and it couldn't have performed better! Thanks Daryl!
Perfect gun for medium visibility. No wsb but decent calico and wsb.
Hope you're doing well.
Finally getting some big wsb!
This is my biggest.
Wong 55 gun, reel, slip-tip and shaft!
This girl cruised past me when I was about 25 feet deep, and I nailed her just behind the gills. About 12-15 feet away.
Just finished cutting her up and bagging her for the freezer.
Having wsb poke tonight.
Aloha and thanks for everything!

Time in Hawai'i:
