Joshua Pinkley
| Hey Daryl,
couple fish from my last trip to Palau. Not sure if you remember me it's been 10 years. I own two of you guns a custom large "reef style" than you made to my specs. Then I have one of your ONO guns. The Ono is a bit big to travel with. Anyhow I'm Coast Guard and got stationed in Alaska for a few years got fat behind a desk and out of shape. But I got to travel to Guam for work then took a trip to Palau. Unfortunately I got a really severe head cold that slowed me down the last couple days. But the trip was worth it. Note your gun in the "80 lb doggie" picture. Thought I would say hi, I hope all is well and thanks for building some great guns. OH PS your little reef float saved the day! I had a Rob Allen big float then a bungie then your little reef float. That doggie crushed the rob Allen at about 40 ft down. The bungie broke the outside tubing releasing the inner cord and the little Wong float popped back up and let me grab it.
Also I may need a new shaft. The doggie bent mine. It didn't pop out right away and he bent it even with your slip tip. The shaft was wedged in his pectoral fins muscle tendons.
Josh Pinkley
Mat Key West

Time in Hawai'i:
